Botanical Shoes – Details

Thank you Joni for the photos!

botanical shoe with lily of the valley , Françoise Weeks

botanical shoe with lily of the valley 1 , Françoise Weeks

botanical shoe with mask leaves, orchid, Françoise Weeks

botanical shoe with mask leaves, orchid 1, Françoise Weeks

botanical shoe with mask leaves, orchid , Françoise Weeks

botanical shoe with kalanchoe  1, Françoise Weeks

botanical shoe with kalanchoe , Françoise Weeks

botanical shoe with kalanchoe 2, Françoise Weeks

botanical shoe with croton leaves and kalanchoe, Françoise Weeks

botanical shoe with croton leaves and kalanchoe details, Françoise Weeks

wire shoe with succulents, Françoise Weeks

wire shoe with succulents 1, Françoise Weeks

wire shoe with succulents 2, Françoise Weeks

wire boot with bark and succulents, Françoise Weeks

wire boot with bark and succulents 4, Françoise Weeks

wire boot with bark and succulents 3, Françoise Weeks

wire boot with bark and succulents 2, Françoise Weeks

wire boot with bark and succulents 1, Françoise Weeks



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