Botanical Couture and Faerie Chair

Porcelain vine berries are in season – they’re such a favorite and I wanted them to be the common thread through the pieces. Inspired by a picture that I saw in Louis Bou’s book ” Couture Hats’  of a hat/mask combination, I decided to tackle this fun idea. Shoes and jewelry complemented the headpiece.

The wooden chair was made by Wreath Sources, one of the vendors at the flower market. Embellished with lots of texture and a few flowers, it was a perfect complement for the setting.

A huge thank you to photographer Ted Mishima and model Juliana Tobon for this exquisite collaboration!

botanical mask-headpiece ,necklace, ring and earrings Francoise Weeks

porcelain vine

botanical mask-headpiece ,necklace and earrings, flower and texture Francoise Weeks

botanical mask-headpiece, necklace and earrings, flower and texture Francoise Weeks

botanical mask-headpiece with hydrangea blossoms, flower and texture Francoise Weeks

botanical shoe with hydrangea blossoms, Francoise Weeks

botanical shoe with rose petals, australian fern and lots of texture, Francoise Weeks

fairy chair, Francoise Weeks

Ted and Juliana,  Francoise Weeks

botanical mask-headpiece ,necklace and earrings, flower and texture  Francoise Weeks

botanical mask-headpiece, necklace and earrings,  flower and texture  Francoise Weeks

botanical mask-headpiece, necklace and earrings, flower and texture  Francoise Weeks


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