Demonstration at the Florida State Florist Association’s Annual Convention

It was such an honor to be invited last fall by the Florida State Florist Association to do an on stage program, and teach to a hands-on workshop at their annual convention in Orlando in June 2015.

The presentation on woodlands and botanical couture and the workshop were sponsored by  BloomNet.The topic of the workshop was woodland bouquets and the students created fantastic designs.  Mayesh sponsored the flowers for both events and Oasis provided the european bouquet holders as well as all the cold glue.

A heartfelt thank you to these companies for their generosity which made this opportunity a reality. I am also very grateful for all the help and coaching from my friend Jo Jarvis for this event.

For 2 days we prepared woodland and botanical couture pieces in a workroom that we shared with Dutch designer Pim Van den Akker. Creativity was unleashed to make the many designs for the program. I enjoyed watching the program of several of the designers and it was fantastic to meet such a great group of creatives!

Here are some photos from the demo. Courtesy FSFA.

Bouquets for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

Log arrangement for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

Woodland arrangement for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

Woodland towers designd by Jo Jarvis for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

woodland towers designed by Jo Jarvis

Woodland table runner designd by Jo Jarvis for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

woodland table runner designed by Jo Jarvis

Botanical woodland purse for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

woodland purse

Botanical purse for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

Botanical purse  with croton leaves for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

Botanical scarf for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

close-up of botanical scarf

Botanical headpiece, shoes and jewelry for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

Thank you Jaclyn Gough for modeling!

Botanical necklace for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

botanical necklace

Botanical shoe for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

Botanical wire shoe for demo at FSFA June 2015, Francoise Weeks

wire botanical shoe







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