
Fritillaria is such a favorite!!!

Checkered lily is a bulbous perennial that is native to river flood plains in Europe where it is frequently seen growing in large colonies. Plants are somewhat dainty in appearance, featuring solitary (less frequently 2-3), drooping, 2” long, bell-shaped flowers which are checkered and veined with reddish-brown, purple, white and gray atop slender stems growing to 15” tall. Blooms in April. Linear, lance-shaped, grass-like green leaves are widely-spaced on the stems (Missouri Botanical Garden)

Joni Photo


botanical couture with hellebore, muscari and fritillaria, Françoise Weeks

photo: Ted Mishima

botanical headpiece and scarf with hellebore, muscari and fritillaria, Françoise Weeks

photo: Ted Mishima

botanical choker with hellebore, muscari and fritillaria, Françoise Weeks

botanical scarfr with hellebore, muscari and fritillaria, Françoise Weeks

botanical scarf with hellebore, muscari and fritillaria, Françoise Weeks

botanical headpiece  with hellebore, muscari and fritillaria, Françoise Weeks

botanical shoe with hellebore, muscari and fritillaria, Françoise Weeks

fritillaria boutonnier with texture 2, Françoise Weeks

photo: Ted Mishima

woodland with fritillaria, Françoise Weeks

photo: Ted Mishima

woodland with fritillaria 3, Françoise Weeks

fritillaria 1 , Françoise Weeks

whimsical bouquet with fritillaria, Françoise Weeks

woodland with fritillaria 4, Françoise Weeks

woodland with fritillaria 5, Françoise Weeks

photo: Ted Mishima










One Comment on “Fritillaria!”

  • Kathleen Barber March 28th, 2014 7:44 am

    That’s amazing Francoise! Blown away again by your talent.

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