New Bouquets!

Thank you  Joni for the wonderful pictures!  And much gratitude to Elizabeth with Rose Hill Flower Farm for harvesting so many fantastic treasures, such as the brilliant salpiglossis, the love-in-a-puff, salvia, chocolate cosmos, gloriosa lilies and so many other delights…

purple and white hand-tied bouquet, Françoise Weeks

whimsical bouquet with salpiglossis, Françoise weeks

whimsical bouquet with salpiglossis, detail 1, Françoise weeks

whimsical bouquet with salpiglossis, detail 2, Françoise weeks

whimsical bouquet with black feathered handle, Françoise Weeks

whimsical bouquet with black feathered handle, detail 5, Françoise Weeks

whimsical bouquet with black feathered handle, detail 2, Françoise Weeks

whimsical bouquet with black feathered handle, detail 1, Françoise Weeks

woodland bouquet with handle covered with bark shavings, Françoise Weeks

woodland bouquet with handle covered with bark shavings, detail 4,Françoise Weeks

woodland bouquet with handle covered with bark shavings, detail 2,Françoise Weeks

woodland bouquet with handle covered with bark shavings, detail 3,Françoise Weeks

woodland bouquet with handle covered with bark shavings, detail 1,Françoise Weeks

burgundy and butter yellow bouquet, Françoise Weeks

burgundy and butter yellow bouquet, detail 1, Françoise Weeks

burgundy and butter yellow bouquet, detail 2, Françoise Weeks


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