Woodland with Fritillaria

Last week the first fritillaria maleagris plants of the season were available at the flower market.  Every year I buy several flats from Northwest Fresh, as no one sells these treasures as cut flowers. They are a great choice for woodland arrangements.

Thank you Ted Mishima for these beautiful images! A piece of wood served as container and was decorated with mossy branches, staghorn fern, succulents, tillandsias, ferns, mushrooms, other textures and a few stems of fritillarias.

Join us for a 3 day woodland workshop in the studio in Portland on February 16-18 and learn how to use wooden pieces as containers and much more. For more information or to register, click here.

woodland in hollows out piece of wood, Francoise Weeks

woodland in hollowed out piece of wood, detail 4, Francoise Weeks

woodland in hollowed out piece of wood, detail 2, Francoise Weeks

woodland in hollowed out piece of wood, detail 1, Francoise Weeks

woodland in hollowed out piece of wood, detail 6, Francoise Weeks

woodland in hollowed out piece of wood, detail 3, Francoise Weeks

woodland in hollowed out piece of wood, detail 5, Francoise Weeks




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