Fairy Garden
A couple of weeks ago I was asked to donate a woodland arrangement for an event that HPSO ( Hardy Plant Society of Oregon) had organized and it was specified to use as much possible from the garden. As my garden offers very little at this time of the year, I also got some treasures from my friend Joy’s garden and further supplemented with snippets from houseplants and bark, lichens, mushrooms etc… When several people commented that the arrangement looked like a fairy garden, the comment made me smile – the name just may stick….
I am the recipent of this wonderful Woodland arrangement which was at the Hardy Plant Society meeting. It is absolutely incredible and I am very honored I was picked. We were told to water this arrangement daily. I was wondering if misting would be appropriate and how much. If watering, how much? My concern is giving it to much water and causing mold or other fungus which could ruin this wonderful display. Also, is this a direct sun arrangement? Did you have a listing of products used. I do know some, but others are not familiar to me. Thanks you for your time and talent. Joy Cohrs
So glad that you are enjoying the little fairy garden! It is made in oasis foam and because so much material is incorporated, you want to make sure that the foam won’t dry out. You can mist it daily, but do make sure that the oasis stays wet. I mentioned to water it daily, because the layer of oasis is so thin and because there is so much material that absorbs quite a bit of water. The foam won’t get moldy. Typically, it isn’t a good idea to leave arrangements of cut flowers/foliage in direct sun. I don’t have a list of what I used; it is a combination of snippets that I harvested in a friend’s garden and mine and I supplemented it with bits and pieces of houseplants, berries, pods, mushrooms and bark that I bought at the flower market. Some of the succulents still have roots – so when the arrangement is spent, you can definitely replants those little treasures and enjoy them for a long time. Enjoy!