Favorite Bouquets in 2010!

Whimsical bouquets and flower purses were a fun addition this year to the hand-tied and woodland bridal bouquets. Feathers, colored wire and beads add  unexpected details to these personal flowers!

photo: Joni Shimabukuro

photo: Joni Shimabukuro

photo: Robbie Augspurger

photo: Sara Gray

photo: Lyfe Photography

photo: Lyfe Photography

photo: Jessica Hill

photo: Jamie Bosworth

photo: Brandon Schmidt

photo: Jamie Bosworth

photo: Jamie Bosworth

3 Comments on “Favorite Bouquets in 2010!”

  • botanical brouhaha January 4th, 2011 5:12 am

    Breathtaking…every one…in Francoise-style! You bless us with your artistry all year long. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for 2011!

  • Françoise January 4th, 2011 3:16 pm

    Thank you for such a sweet comment! Fun to come up with new ideas and who knows what they will be this year…

  • Adelina January 6th, 2011 6:51 pm

    I truly love your work! As much as there are many professional florists out there, it is still tricky to encounter really, truly wonderful works, like yours!

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