Workshops at the Flower&Garden Show in San Francisco March 19-23

The  5 day  Flower & Garden Show in San Francisco on March 19-23 promises to be a spectacular event where you will enjoy stunning show gardens and meet hundreds of vendors who offer garden related products. You’ll have the opportunity to attend a wide variety of seminars or sign up for hands-on workshops. All the information you could possibly want on edible gardens will be available and you will enjoy stunning California grown flowers everywhere! And there will be a very special place for kids as well.

I am so thrilled and excited to have been invited to teach two hands-on workshops and present a couple of seminars and  at the Flower & Garden Show. Here are the details:


Workshops by Francoise Weeks at the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show

Workshop 1:
with Françoise Weeks

Here you’ll begin to see your surroundings in a whole new light. A piece of bark, a log, driftwood, wooden disk, branches or rootballs can all become bases for the unique structures we will be creating. In this workshop you will create a beautiful arrangement using rich foliage, bark, berries, seedpods, twigs, mushrooms and herbs.

DATE AND TIME:              Friday, March 21, 2014
TIME & PLACE:                 10:30am-1:30pm  in the “Plant It Together” area in the West Lobby of Fiesta Hall
FEE:                                   $275  (Limited to 20 participants)
LINK TO TICKET PAGE:     Reserve your space by purchasing your ticket to this add-on workshop. Click here.

Workshop 2:
with Françoise Weeks

Put your inner fashionista on display! Lush and vibrant or simple and elegant, the elements used all add up to create a unique headpiece. After fashioning a basic form that can be bent or shaped, your creativity will be called upon to construct a stunning Spring accoutrement to your unique outfit.

DATE AND TIME:              Friday, March 21, 2014
TIME & PLACE:                 2:30pm – 5:30pm in the “Plant It Together” area in the West Lobby of Fiesta Hall
FEE:                                   $275 (Limited to 20 participants)
LINK TO TICKET PAGE:     Reserve your space by purchasing your ticket to this add-on workshop. Click here.


*Saturday March 22: 1:00 PM

Floral Stage – Flower Pavilion

Botanical Couture

Botanical shoes, purses, headpieces and jewelry are fun to make and wear. We’ll talk about which materials to use to create these  unique and elegant designs. They all are striking additions to fashion shows and weddings.                                   A slide show will illustrate the designs that we will talk about.

*Sunday March 23: 11:45AM

Floral Stage – Flower Pavilion

Woodland Designs

Learn how to see your surroundings in a new light and how to create fabulous arrangements using the bounty of Mother Nature, such as bark and  branches, succulents and  mosses, seedpods and small edibles. Françoise will explain a few techniques how to create these detailed designs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A slideshow will illustrate the designs we will talk about.

pink flower purse, power of the Purse, Françoise Weeks

Joni Photo

pink flower purse , power of the Purse, Françoise Weeks

Joni Photo

botanical shoe, Françoise Weeks

photo: Jamie Bosworth

botanical shoe with phaelonopsis, Françoise Weeks

Joni Photo

botanical headpiece and necklace, Françoise Weeks

photo: Ted Mishima

flower purse with phaelonopsis 1, Françoise Weeks

Joni Photo

blue  flower purse with muscari, Françoise Weeks

Joni Photo

lavender flower purse 3, Françoise Weeks

Joni Photo

woodland botanical headpiece , Françoise Weeks

photo: Ted Mishima

woodland headpiece, Françoise Weeks

photo: June Lion

Texture book, April 4, 2008, Woodland Series, Tom and Barb Mildner

Joni Photo

log arrangement, Françoise Weeks

Joni Photo

woodland arrangement, Françoise Weeks (2)

Joni Photo

woodland centerpiece with orchids, Françoise Weeks

Joni Photo

burgundy botanical headpiece, Françoise Weeks

photo: Ted Mishima

botanical shoe with succulent, eucalyptus berries, and texture, Portland Art Museum, Françoise Weeks

Joni Photo

wire shoe with moss, ferns, hoya Françoise Weeks

Joni Photo

botanical shoe with blackberries, elderberries, pokeweed, succulents, Françoise Weeks

Joni Photo

Texture book, April 4, 2008, Woodland Series, Tom and Barb Mildner

Joni Photo

Texture book, April 4, 2008, Woodland Series, Tom and Barb Mildner

Joni Photo

2 Comments on “Workshops at the Flower&Garden Show in San Francisco March 19-23”

  • 2014 ….IT’S ALMOST HERE! | San Francisco Flower & Garden Show December 22nd, 2013 2:47 pm

    […] are photographers Saxon Holt from the Bay area and David Perry from Seattle,  floral designer Françoise Weeks from Portland, and Nan Sterman from San Diego. Keep watch for further information about this great […]

  • SPECIAL WORKSHOPS | San Francisco Flower & Garden Show December 22nd, 2013 2:53 pm

    […] are photographers Saxon Holt from the Bay area and David Perry from Seattle,  floral designer Françoise Weeks from Portland, and Nan Sterman from San Diego. Keep watch for further information about this great […]

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