Workshop hosted by Cohim in Beijing: days 5-6
More woodland projects on day 5 – after the power point presentations and learning about techniques and mechanics, students created gorgeous woodland wreaths and arrangements on large pieces of wood.
On day 6 students were divided in teams and created fabulous structures! Some groups used a combination of existing stands, one group used the railing from a staircase as a base – the results were spectacular!
We had an fabulous time sharing so much information with all the students and were delighted at their brilliant creativity every day!
Our thanks to Oasis Floral Products and Smithers-Oasis China for sponsoring the workshop.
And our gratitude to Cohim for inviting us again to teach at their fabulous school and our appreciation for the wonderful translators.
Photography: Mr Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Françoise Weeks
photo: Françoise Weeks
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
photo: Tongzi
Jo Jarvis, translators extraordinaire Judy and Tina, Robbie Honey
The last day of the workshop we met Robbie, who had started to teach his classes that day.
So much fun to finally meet you in person Robbie!
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