Botanical Couture with Phalaenopsis Orchids and Tillandsia Xerographica

Tillandsia xerographica is a slow-growing epiphyte. Just like orchids they grow on the surface of trees and derive their moisture and nutrients from the air, rain, water. They are super easy to take care of as a house plant: submerge them in water for 30 minutes once a week, and you will enjoy them for a long time. These beauties are great for larger designs but I like to deconstruct them and use the silvery gray leaves individually. Each one creates beautiful movement in any design. And they pair up so well with these bright phalaenopsis.

For the headpiece I also mixed many succulents, small pieces of paper thin bark, sedums, seedpods, kangaroo paws and some delicate ferns.

Many thanks to photographer Ted Mishima and model Kari Pero .

A tillandsia leaf was secured to the ring and then decorated with phalaenopsis orchids and a variety of succulents.

The base of the bracelet was covered with paper thin bark then decorated with a tillandsia leaf, orchids and succulents.



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