Botanical Headpiece with Eccremocarpus Vine

Last month, my friend Jen gifted me some beautiful flowers from her farm. It was a perfect opportunity to design a new mask/headpiece with these treasures.

My favorite in the bouquet she brought is the eccremocarpus vine ( or Chilean glory vine). This vine, with the exquisite orange tubular flowers, lacy foliage and the tiniest tendrils grows up to 8-10′.  The one in my garden has darker orange flowers and seems quite happy  in the driveway, which faces west, but with its roots in the shade.  The trellis it grows on is only 5′ tall, so I weave the stems back and forth.  I planted it in rich, well drained soil and make sure to keep it well watered. It had been flowering  since June and will bloom continuously until the fall. And I am happy to say that it overwinters well in Portland’s climate.

Photos: Theresa Bear

Model: Azelle Chang



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